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우리나라 등재학술지 목록(2024년 11월 기준)

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Source Title P-ISSN E-ISSN Coverage
1 Acta Koreana 1520-7412 2009-2023
2 Acute and Critical Care 2586-6052 2586-6060 2018-2023
3 Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science 2287-528X 2287-5271 2014-2023
4 Advances in Computational Design 2383-8477 2466-0523 2016-2024
5 Advances in Concrete Construction 2287-5301 2287-531X 2016-2023
6 Advances in Materials Research (South Korea) 2234-0912 2234-179X 2017-2024
7 Advances in Nano Research 2287-237X 2287-2388 2017-2023
8 Advances in Traditional Medicine 2662-4052 2662-4060 2020-2024
9 Algae 1226-2617 2093-0860 2013-2024
10 Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Research 2092-7355 2092-7363 2009-2024
11 Analytical Science and Technology 1225-0163 2288-8985 2019-2024
12 Anatomy and Cell Biology 2093-3665 2093-3673 2014-2024
13 Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 1975-5171 2383-7977 2019-2024
14 Animal Bioscience 2765-0189 2765-0235 2021-2024
15 Animal Cells and Systems 1976-8354 2151-2485 2008-2024
16 Annals of Child Neurology 2635-909X 2635-9103 2019-2024
17 Annals of Coloproctology 2287-9714 2287-9722 2013-2024
18 Annals of Dermatology 1013-9087 2008-2024; 1989-1996
19 Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research 2508-4798 2508-4909 2016-2024
20 Annals of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery 2508-5778 2508-5859 2021-2024; 2019
21 Annals of Laboratory Medicine 2234-3806 2234-3814 2012-2024
22 Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2052-4374 2014-2024
23 Annals of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 2287-1012 2287-1292 2018-2024; 2015-2016
24 Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine 2234-0645 2234-0653 2012-2024
25 Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research 2288-6575 2288-6796 2014-2024
26 Applied Biological Chemistry 2468-0834 2468-0842 2016-2024
27 Applied Chemistry for Engineering 1225-0112 2288-4505 2007-2024
28 Applied Science and Convergence Technology 1225-8822 2288-6559 2019-2024
29 Archives of Craniofacial Surgery 2287-1152 2287-5603 2019-2024
30 Archives of Design Research 1226-8046 2288-2987 2017-2024
31 Archives of Pharmacal Research 0253-6269 1976-3786 1978-2024
32 Archives of Plastic Surgery 2234-6163 2234-6171 2012-2024
33 Asia Marketing Journal 1598-7868 2765-6500 2019-2023
34 Asia Pacific Allergy 2233-8276 2233-8268 2021-2024; 2019; 2015-2017
35 Asia Pacific Education Review 1598-1037 2005-2024; 2003
36 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 2288-5404 2288-6818 2018-2023
37 Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 1094-1665 1741-6507 2003-2024
38 Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 1976-7633 1976-7951 2008-2024
39 Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 2041-9945 2041-6156 2006-2024
40 Asian Communication Research 1738-2084 2765-3390 2023
41 Asian International Studies Review 1226-8240 2018-2023
42 Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research 2288-6168 2018-2024
43 Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment 1976-6912 2287-1160 2007-2024
44 Asian Journal of Peacebuilding 2288-2693 2288-2707 2018-2023
45 Asian Journal of Political Science 0218-5377 1993-2024
46 Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 2092-5212 2009-2024
47 Asian Journal of Technology Innovation 1976-1597 2158-6721 2010-2024
48 Asian Journal of Women's Studies 1225-9276 1996-2024
49 Asian Nursing Research 1976-1317 2093-7482 2007-2024
50 Asian Perspective 0258-9184 2005-2024; 1974
51 Asian Review of Financial Research 1229-0351 2713-6531 2019-2024
52 Asian Social Work and Policy Review 1753-1403 1753-1411 2008-2024
53 Asian Spine Journal 1976-1902 1976-7846 2011-2024
54 Asian Women 1225-925X 2008-2024
55 Audiology and Speech Research 2635-5019 2635-5027 2019-2024