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우리나라 등재학술지 목록(2024년 04월 기준)

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Source Title P-ISSN E-ISSN Coverage
1 Cancer Research and Treatment 1598-2998 2011-ongoing
2 Carbon Letters 1976-4251 2233-4998 2015-ongoing
3 Chemical Engineering and Technology 0930-7516 1521-4125 1987-ongoing, 1978
4 Child Health Nursing Research 2287-9110 2287-9129 2018-ongoing
5 China and WTO Review 2383-8221 2384-4388 2021-ongoing
6 Chronobiology in Medicine 2635-9162 2019-ongoing
7 CiOS Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery 2005-291X 2005-4408 2009-ongoing
8 Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine 2383-4625 2019-ongoing
9 Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology 1976-8710 2005-0720 2009-ongoing
10 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics 2713-4148 2020-ongoing
11 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine 2233-8233 2233-8241 2011-ongoing
12 Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research 2287-3651 2287-366X 2017-ongoing
13 Clinical and Molecular Hepatology 2287-2728 2287-285X 2012-ongoing
14 Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders 2508-5948 2016-ongoing
15 Clinical Endoscopy 2234-2400 2234-2443 2011-ongoing
16 Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience 1738-1088 2005-ongoing
17 Communication Sciences and Disorders 2288-1328 2288-0917 2013-ongoing
18 Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods 2287-7843 2383-4757 2017-ongoing
19 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 1225-1763 2007-ongoing
20 Computers and Concrete 1598-8198 1598-818X 2006-ongoing
21 Corrosion Science and Technology 1598-6462 2288-6524 2019-ongoing
22 Coupled Systems Mechanics 2234-2184 2234-2192 2017-ongoing
23 Current Applied Physics 1567-1739 2001-ongoing
24 Current Optics and Photonics 2508-7266 2508-7274 2017-ongoing