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우리나라 등재학술지 목록(2024년 04월 기준)

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Source Title P-ISSN E-ISSN Coverage
1 Earthquake and Structures 2092-7614 2010-ongoing
2 Economic and Environmental Geology 1225-7281 2288-7962 2017-ongoing
3 Electrochimica Acta 0013-4686 1959-ongoing
4 Electrolyte and Blood Pressure 1738-5997 2006-ongoing
5 Electronic Materials Letters 1738-8090 2008-ongoing
6 Endocrinology and Metabolism 2093-596X 2093-5978 2014-ongoing, 1994-1997
7 English Teaching(South Korea) 1017-7108 2671-9312 2020-ongoing
8 Entomological Research 1748-5967 1738-2297 2007-ongoing
9 Environmental Engineering Research 1226-1025 2005-968X 2011-ongoing
10 Epidemiology and health 2092-7193 2015-ongoing
11 ETRI Journal 1225-6463 1994-ongoing
12 European Journal of Haematology 0902-4441 1600-0609 1972-ongoing, 1964-1966
13 Exercise Science 1226-1726 2384-0544 2020-ongoing
14 Experimental and Molecular Medicine 1226-3613 2092-6413 1996-ongoing
15 Experimental Neurobiology 1226-2560 2093-8144 2016-ongoing