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우리나라 등재학술지 목록(2024년 11월 기준)

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Source Title P-ISSN E-ISSN Coverage
1 Genes and Genomics 1976-9571 2092-9293 2008-2024
2 Genomics and Informatics 2234-0742 2019-2023
3 Geomechanics and Engineering 2005-307X 2092-6219 2009-2024
4 Geosciences Journal 1226-4806 1997-2024
5 Geosystem Engineering 1226-9328 2166-3394 1998-2024
6 Global Business and Finance Review 1088-6931 2384-1648 2014-2024
7 Global Economic Review 1226-508X 1996-2024
8 Gut and Liver 1976-2283 2005-1212 2009-2024