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우리나라 등재학술지 목록(2024년 05월 기준)

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Source Title P-ISSN E-ISSN Coverage
1 KEDI Journal of Educational Policy 1739-4341 2008-2023
2 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice 2211-9132 2211-9140 2012-2024
3 Knee Surgery and Related Research 2234-0726 2234-2451 2012-2024
4 Korea Australia Rheology Journal 1226-119X 2003-2024
5 Korea Journal 0023-3900 2008-2024; 2001; 1999; 1976-1977
6 Korea Observer 0023-3919 2007-2024
7 Korean Accounting Review 1229-3288 2508-7193 2019-2024
8 Korean Chemical Engineering Research 0304-128X 2233-9558 2014-2023
9 Korean Circulation Journal 1738-5520 1738-5555 2006-2024
10 Korean Economic Review 0254-3737 2012-2024
11 Korean Journal of Adult Nursing 1225-4886 2288-338X 2012-2024
12 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2005-6419 2005-7563 2010-2024
13 Korean Journal of Art History 1225-2565 2733-9815 2019-2023
14 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 0256-1115 1975-7220 1984-2024
15 Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2951-3146 2022-2024
16 Korean Journal of Defense Analysis 1016-3271 1941-4641 1996-2024
17 Korean Journal of Dermatology 0494-4739 1972-2024
18 Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 1598-1398 2586-7474 2019-2024
19 Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture 1225-3537 2233-4173 2019-2023
20 Korean Journal of Family Medicine 2005-6443 2092-6715 2009-2024
21 Korean Journal of Financial Studies 2005-8187 2713-5543 2019-2024
22 Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology 0367-6293 2007-2024
23 Korean Journal of Internal Medicine 1226-3303 2005-6648 1986-2024; 1961-1963
24 Korean Journal of International Studies 2233-470X 2288-5072 2020-2023
25 Korean Journal of Materials Research 1225-0562 2007-2024
26 Korean Journal of Mathematics 1976-8605 2288-1433 2021-2024
27 Korean Journal of Medical Education 2005-727X 2005-7288 2015-2024
28 Korean Journal of Medical History 1225-505X 2093-5609 1998-2023; 1992-1995
29 Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science 1225-9306 2288-0186 2019-2024
30 Korean Journal of Microbiology 0440-2413 2007-2023
31 Korean Journal of Mycology 0253-651X 2383-5249 2018-2023
32 Korean Journal of Neurotrauma 2234-8999 2288-2243 2018-2024
33 Korean journal of ophthalmology : KJO 1011-8942 2020-2024; 1987-2017
34 Korean Journal of Orthodontics 2234-7518 2005-372X 2008-2024
35 Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2092-6529 2019-2024
36 Korean Journal of Pain 2005-9159 2093-0569 2011-2024
37 Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy 0253-3073 2288-9299 1990-2023
38 Korean Journal of Physical, Multiple and Health Disabilities 2288-3843 2018-2024
39 Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 1226-4512 2093-3827 1997-2024
40 Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1225-8318 2466-1546 2018-2023
41 Korean Journal of Radiology 1229-6929 2005-8330 2000-2024
42 Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 1225-6161 2287-9307 2019-2024
43 Korean Journal of Research in Music Education 1229-4179 2713-3788 2019-2024
44 Korean Journal of Sport Science 1598-2920 2233-7938 2019-2023
45 Korean Journal of Transplantation 2671-8790 2671-8804 2019-2024
46 Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2466-1384 2466-1392 2011-2024
47 Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing 2287-1640 2093-7695 2018-2024
48 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 1226-7988 1976-3808 2009-2024
49 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems 1976-7277 2288-1468 2007-2024
50 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 1225-6951 0454-8124 2007-2023